Thursday, 26 March 2009

Local Consultants map

It was really good to have David Cottrell and Rob Watling send details of the Skillfair Local Consultants map to their regional newspapers. David's in Wiltshire and Rob's in Nottingham. We haven't heard yet if the story got any coverage but we do thank them both for their interest in both the map and Skillfair and hope they get some useful publicity as a result.


Andy Cawdell said...

Interesting - map obviously cannot cope with PO box based post codes such as ours - are others caught / bothered by this?


Gill Hunt said...

Thanks for pointing that out Andy. I'll look into it - I suspect the problem may be that PO Box postcodes don't translate to a geographic location.

There's nothing to stop you - or anyone else - from picking a different postcode to the one you use as a potsal address. A few people have already had to do this because there are multiple consultants working at the same postcode!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gill,

Only one member in Cambridge?
Just what is it about Cambridge..... I live quite near and I am finding it to be a bit of a "fortress" :-)


Gill Hunt said...

Well only one actually in Cambridge - but a fair number around the edges. Maybe its just that the city itself is overrun with academics and students!

Not sure what your specialty is but you could try Cambrideg Network to get in touch with local technology businesses.