Thursday, 9 April 2009

What entrepreneurs can learn from the G20 summit

London has calmed down and the protestors and media who were out in force have quieted now that the G20 summit is over. Aside from the global stimulus package announced, the photo opps and the tensions, there are some good tips that entrepreneurs can learn from the global gathering on how to get through the recession. Essentially, the message from the world leaders was 'we know what we need to do and we're going to do it'.

This attitude needs to be adopted by smaller businesses and there is no reason why it can’t be. Everyone knows times are tough and as a small business it's easy to sink into feeling that there's nothing you can do. However, the businesses that stay positive and take the right actions to deal with the recession are the ones that will survive and, better still, be ready to thrive once economic conditions improve.

There are simple ways to take action. For example, if you have to cut costs make sure you cut intelligently. Don't make your business look shabby or ineffective. Do something positive and get the message out to your customers that you’re doing well and can still be relied upon! Something as simple as sprucing up your website by getting rid of old articles and news and replacing them with your latest and greatest business achievements shows that you’re still thriving and succeeding – a lick of paint can work wonders!

If you really can't see anything wrong with how your business looks or worse, can't think of anything positive to say – you may need an objective advisor to help you look at things with a fresh eye. Online services like Skillfair can help you link up with consultants in your area with the right experience for your business needs. Self employed consultants are a valuable resource and can provide services such as business advice, executive coaching and marketing on a part time basis. A small investment can produce big results when it comes to the morale of your staff and the direction of your business.

Buck the trend of doom and gloom and take action to get through these hard times. Like the G20 leaders, work out what you need to do, tell everyone about it and then get on and do it - lets hope the G20’s do that last bit as well!

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