I stumbled across this rather useful web site yeterday - called the gobbledygook grader it looks at a piece of text and counts how many over used or essentially meaningless words have crept in. It also gives you a very visual representation of which words have been used most.
Not surprising that when I ran it for a few of my newsletters the word 'consultant' loomed rather large then! But I've tried out on a few consultant profiles with varying results - be worth taking a few minutes to run your profile through and see what it shows.
NB you need to untick the 'send me newsletters' link if you don't want to get emails from the website owner.
1 comment:
Hi Gill
Just tried this out on my profile. Didn't do too badly, only found 3 gobbledygook words, what amazed me was how many times I had used each of them.
Great stuff. I will now have to try it out on other things like my website content or other profiles I use.
Barbara Hankins
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