Thursday, 26 November 2009

Open Space discussions - what topics interest you?

One of the highlights of the conference for me was the Open Space discussion. The key feature of this session, facilitated by Chris Pearse, was that the topics for discussion were suggested entirely by the delegates - and the discussions were also self-led and managed. Some of the topics were ones I expected to come up, but others were a surprise and it was great to have such a wide range of open and constructive conversation. It seems a pity to stop there, so I've set up a discussion for each of the topics that was suggested on LinkedIn so people can keep chatting.

The threads were;

what is the outlook for public sector spending, who will gain and who will lose?

how to use Skillfair better?

how do pay grades & structures impact on company performance?

how can consultants use social marketing effectively?

how can Skillfair help consultants collaborate to win larger bids?

hobbies and interests

what tips do people have on tendering successfully?

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