Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Freelancers always get through!

Chatting to my optician today about the snow and how much disruption it's caused  - it turns out that he's a freelance locum, working for several opticians in the area - and at each shop he's been the only person to turn up on the days when the snow was heavy.

As he put it, "I don't get paid unless I work, so it takes a lot to stop me getting through!". Coupled with the fact that so many consultants and freelancers are well set up to work from home I think those businesses that make good use of them will have suffered much less over the last few weeks.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Jon Harvey said...

Well yes - and no... A couple of weeks ago when the weather was really bad - and I faced an early morning (and icey) journey of over 100 miles - I suggested that we postpone. (There were only 4 delegates due to attend the workshop I was running). I judged that my safety was more important than the money I lost.

And there again yes. With forecasts of snow last week, I drove with two colleagues in the car, to another meeting - through what became very treacherous conditions. The car skidded on the fresh snow at one point. But we ploughed on - literally - and made the meeting - ahead of most people from the client side...

So - yes we are probably more trojan in our commitment to be there (which is not just about the money - it is also about commitment to service, I would say) - but we should not put ourselves at extreme risk.

The advice from the Highways Agency was to only make necessary journeys in the snow.