Monday 15 November 2010

Looking Forward - this Wednesday and beyond!

Despite the dark evenings, wind and rain - I really like this time of year as there's a real sense of urgency as people try to fit things in before Christmas - and you can also start to put one year behind you and plan for the next. It's strange that a simple thing like clicking the calendar on one day can make such a difference, but in all the businesses I've worked in there's always been a significant surge in business in January. I also like November because our annual conference is our only chance each year to meet you face to face and find out directly what you think about business, Skillfair, consulting and lots of other issues. If you haven't booked yet we have 2 or 3 places left for next Wednesday - just click here for details and to book.

The theme of the conference is 'Personal and Business Growth' - the aim being to set people up so that they're ready for what 2011 will bring. Even if you're not able to come along it's worth spending some time over the next month or so planning and working out what you need to do next year. It may be that you've been frantically busy working - in which case you could look at ways of delegating some of your work to get a better balance - or if the effort you've put in on sales and marketing just hasn't borne any fruit at all - now is a good time to take stock and work out what to do differently. We'll be listening hard to everyone on Wednesday so even if you can't make it we'll make sure to share the ideas and insights that come out of the day over the next few weeks.

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