Wednesday 8 July 2009

What do clients think about consultants #1

We follow up on all the projects that clients post directly on Skillfair and in the main they're very please by the level and quality of the response. But there are a few things that clearly make their lives difficult and that astute consultants would do well to take note of!

Last week we had a very specialised request for help with an engineering problem which attracted only a handful of responses. The client had followed them all up but was 'amazed at how few people had properly filled in profiles' - his very sensible suggestion was that consultants should get a friend or business contact to review their profile to spot any gaps or areas that need to be expanded.

We already send a profile status email to our members every 2 months to remind them to keep up to date, but we've now added a facility to allow you to send your profile details to a contact as well, just login and got Edit Profile. While we were at it we've also add the ability for any Skillfair user to refer any consultants details to a friend - so if you see anyone on the site who looks particularly useful why not pass their profile on?

PS I should point out that we only follow up with clients who've posted projects directly on Skillfair - I'm afraid calling 100-200 public sector organisations every week to see how their tenders went is beyond us :-(

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