Monday, 18 May 2009

What do you want to see on Skillfair's Conference agenda?

We've been working on the agenda for this year's conference almost since the last one finished and are getting to the stage now where all the pieces are starting to come together. We are currently planning to run the conference on 18th November in Manchester, although we've yet to settle on a firm venue.

While the feedback from last year was very positive, a number of people commented that there were rather too many presentations and that it was difficult to go into any depth or have detailed discussions in the time available.

To change the balance we're planning to split this year's event into a mix of very short 20 minute presentations and longer workshops that will last 1.5 hours. The workshops will be able to cater for a maximum of about 20 people each so it's obviously important that we pick the right ones to run.

So that we can make sure we get the right mix of talks and workshops I'd really appreciate it if you could take a few mmoments to look at the topics available and let us know what you think - just click here to have your say about the content of the agenda.


Martin said...

Is my last comment being censored?

Gill Hunt said...

Don't seem to have had any comments from you Martin - can you email me?

Angela Ireland said...

Martin Kendall is keen to see Collaboration as a topic at this year's conference. He is interested to find out who is willing to collaborate on projects and how Skillfair can facilitate collaboration between consultants. He would like to see an open discussion on this.

Gill Hunt said...

Thanks to everyone for their comments on possible topics for the conference. We're just confirming with speakers, venues etc and hope to be able to let you have the full details very soon. There will be an open but facilitated discussion - and since collaboration/partnering is something many people are interested in this will definitely feature!